
28 september 2016
 In Uzbekistan the imams of mosques are calling on worshipers during Friday prayers to go out to harvest. Some ...
6 september 2016
In one of his interviews deceased President Karimov was truly surprised that Uzbek citizens are leaving to Russia chasing ...
28 august 2016
On August 28, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a statement ...
13 august 2016
As reported by the media, in order to stop the Islamization of the country, the authorities shaved 13 000 ...
13 august 2016
The artist Ace drew attention to how the Russian propaganda is turning the “bloody nanny” tragedy against all migrants from ...
13 august 2016
After the failed military coup, 2745 the judges, including five members of the Supreme Council of Turkish judges, were ...
13 august 2016
In early July received eyewitness accounts that educators were engaged to manually destroy insects harming cotton fields. This ...
9 august 2016
On July 11 the Uzbek film director Zulfikar Musakov posted on his Facebook page an open letter expressing his ...
3 august 2016
People without a passport or a temporary registration for the city of Tashkent are hunted by the metropolitan police. ...
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3 august 2016
People without a passport or a temporary registration for the city of Tashkent are hunted by the metropolitan police. ...
5 july 2016
Teachers and doctors in the eastern Uzbek Fergana Region have been forcibly taken to the cotton fields to collect ...
19 february 2016
For any person, a disease is an unpleasant affair. But in Uzbekistan, where free medical care is practically dead, ...
16 january 2016
According to the publishing house “Huquq”, Khalid Sharipova, mother of five children, lived in a Sharia marriage with Sharifjon ...