7 october 2015

Joint venture “Uzmetkombinat”, Order No. 764, 07.09.2015 Bekabad City

Joint venture


Order No 764

07.09.2015 Bekabad city


“On sending the employees of the meat factory to the cotton campaign 2015”


With a view to support the Bekabad region in the raw cotton harvest 2015, I hereby order:

  1. From 09.09.2015 to send 3,500 people, including 200 people of the service staff, to the raw cotton harvest with overnight stays in the farms “Bekabad”, “Navbakhor”, “Oybek”, “Uzbekistan”, “Mavlyanov”, “Avangard” in the Bekabad region.
  2. The heads of subdivisions are:
    • To ensure the mobilization of workers to the cotton fields, according to the allocated quota.
    • To appoint people in charge from among the cotton pickers (without exemption from cotton picking)
  3. The motor transport workshop (Salimov) is to allot: 12 buses for transportation of raw cotton pickers and to assign 4 trucks “ZIL”, 2 vans “Gazel”, 4 cars (for emergency cases and submission of daily reports to the factory and to the city hall), 11 tractors with trailers, 2 long vehicles for the transportation of firewood (according to the quota: ZBiO-3, ATZ-3, SMT-1, ZLAM-1, SPZ-1-1, EnRZ-1, RMZ-1) and 2 water-carriers for a continuous service to cotton-pickers, allotted for the entire raw cotton harvest period to the farms “Bekabad”, “Navbakhor”, “Oybek”, “Uzbekistan”, “Mavlyanov”, “Avangard” in the Bekabad region.
  4. In order to ensure a prompt management of the cotton harvest:
    • To appoint Chief of the Improvement and Landscaping department Saydullaev N. as Chief of Staff, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Kodirov I.M. (by agreement) and Deputy Editor of the newspaper “Metallurg minbari” Abdualiev A.A. as his deputies;
    • To appoint Engineer of the Labour and Wages department Ismailov A. as Chief of the first department of the “Bekabad” farm;
    • To appoint Chairman of the Trade Union of the electric steel-making workshop Allamurodov M. (by agreement) as Chief of the second department of the “Bekabad” farm;
    • To appoint Electricians Brigadier of the electrical power workshop Anarkulov N. as Chief of the third department of the “Navbakhor” farm;
    • To appoint Head of the “Metallurg” recreation area of the Improvement and Landscaping department Djuraev K. as Chief of the “Uzbekistan” farm;
    • To appoint the SOK Head of the Improvement and Landscaping department Oblakulova U. as Chief of the “Mavlyanov” farm;
    • To appoint Master of the repair and maintenance workshop Baychayev U. as Chief of the “Avangard” farm.
  5. The food complex (Marupov) is to send a group of 10 cooks to prepare food for cotton pickers.
  6. The city hospital “Metallurg” (Sangilov) is to provide the cotton-pickers with medicine and medical staff: 1 doctor and 19 nurses for the entire duration of the raw cotton harvest.
  7. To ensure safety of cotton-pickers’ belongings during the daytime, the departmental militarized protection (Avezmatov) is to provide 7 riflemen to the Chief of staff.
  8. Chief accountant (Babanazarov) and ASUTP SPZ-2 (Atabaev) are to keep records of the cotton harvest in order to secure funds and are to provide daily reports on the cotton harvest results in all subdivisions and departments of the factory.
  9. The Labour and Wages department (Kambarov) is to make payments to factory workers, taking part in the cotton harvest, for the carried out work with surcharge to average earnings, subject to the established norms of the cotton harvest. If the established cotton harvest norm is not fulfilled, the payment is to be made at the 100% tariff rate for the actual hours worked.
  10. Chief Accountant (Babanazarov) is to allocate 6,500,000 soms after each decade of the cotton harvest in order to reward the best cotton-pickers.
  11. Deputy General Director of Labour, Human Resources and General Affairs department (Khalikberdiev) together with the headquarters is to nominate the best cotton-pickers and active participants of the cotton harvest at the end of the cotton campaign 2015.
  12. The Trade Union Committee (Kurbanov) is to organize cultural, educational and sports activities during the cotton harvesting season.
  13. Deputy General Director of Labour, Human Resources and General Affairs department is responsible for the overall management and organization of work during the raw cotton harvest and for the conclusion of contracts with the farms of the Bekabad region.
  14. I reserve the control over the enforcement of this order.


General Director                                                                          A.Nuritdinov






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