28 august 2016

The patient is more dead than alive

On August 28, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a statement on the state of health of President Karimov. A report published by the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan (UzA)stated that the president was receiving “hospital treatment”. The brief notice does not give a specific indication concerning the nature of illness the President was suffering from. “According to experts, a full medical examination is necessary and the follow-up treatment will take some time” – the statement says.

Islam Karimov has been ruling the country since June 1989, following his appointment by the Kremlin as Secretary General of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. During Karimov’s reign, freedom of speech was significantly restricted, human rights systematically violated, and repressive policies were used against any type of opposition.

Artist Ace

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