
5 july 2016
Teachers and doctors in the eastern Uzbek Fergana Region have been forcibly taken to the cotton fields to collect ...
5 july 2016
Under the pretext of restoration works, the building of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami was demolished. ...
29 june 2016
We have decided to publish the next issue of our TV digest before the end of this month, due ...
11 june 2016
Caricature by the Artist Elsevar Although barely mentioned in the press, during late 2013 an international arbitration tribunal delivered ...
1 june 2016
Today, Uzbek farmers have a good deal of work to do. The fields have been sown with cotton and, ...
31 may 2016
In Uzbekistan the weeding of the cotton fields began at the end of April and is expected to continue ...
23 may 2016
The government of Uzbekistan should immediately release activist Elena Urlaeva from the Tashkent City Psychiatric Clinic, said the Cotton ...
17 april 2016
The dean of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation threatened to invalidate transcripts of students who did ...
1 april 2016
El-Tuz has been given permission to publish this letter by university dropout Murad Shakir, who has been inspired by ...
31 march 2016
Steinmeier’s visit to Tashkent was taken up by several German media, including ZEIT Online, Süddeutsche Zeitung Deutsche Welle, FAZ, ...
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30 september 2015
The Uzbek government systematically denies citizens’ freedom of movement both within the country and abroad. Domestically, Uzbekistan still has ...
17 january 2016
Since January 1, 2016, Uzbek citizens are allowed to leave Russia only with biometric passports of the Republic of ...
18 december 2015
On December 15, 2015, The New York Times published an article about a new generation of “hyper-luxury homes” on ...
15 february 2016
The Uzbek government claims that more than half of the country’s budget is spent on social services, especially education ...