
1 november 2015
Washington Post reporter removed from meeting with Kerry.
16 october 2015
In Uzbekistan, a campaign against farmers called “chopper” has been launched. By the order of Prime Minister Mirzijaev, farmers ...
11 october 2015
– My name is “Mountain behind” – i am “the head of nation” – We have already buried one ...
11 october 2015
After having a published an article on its website about children being summoned to the cotton harvest in the ...
7 october 2015
Artist: Tuz Distribution of “Green Cards” launched The US State Department has announced that it starts to accept applications ...
30 september 2015
– Some spies have been caught. They say that it is illegal to force people to pick cotton. – ...
30 september 2015
The Uzbek government systematically denies citizens’ freedom of movement both within the country and abroad. Domestically, Uzbekistan still has ...
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30 march 2016
On 22 March 2016 the Jizzak region criminal court heard the appeal of Aramais Avakian, Furkat Juraev, Bektemir Umurzakov ...
1 december 2015
The investigation of the case of the Jizzakh human rights activist Uktam Pardayev is deadlocked. The investigator of the ...
3 august 2016
The Uzbek government has been trying to expand the use of bank cards and introduce a system of non-cash ...
16 november 2015
Today in Jizzak city, Uzbekistan, the police arrested human rights defender Uktam Pardayev after raiding his home and confiscating ...