10 september 2015

Steve Swerdlow HRW on Andijan Massacre

Steve Swerdlow of Human Rights Watch speaks on the 10th anniversary of Andijan massacre and the current situation in Uzbekistan at Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission briefing on May 21, 2015, US Congress

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13 august 2016
In early July received eyewitness accounts that educators were engaged to manually destroy insects harming cotton fields. This ...
3 august 2016
Since July, the local authorities have forcibly taken away the wheat grown by citizens in rainfed (unirrigated) home gardens ...
18 december 2015
Uktam Pardayev, an Uzbek human rights defender from Jizzak city, was charged with violation of two articles of the ...
28 september 2016
This year’s forced mobilization of people to the cotton fields which started two weeks ago and has been carried ...