3 august 2016

Teachers march to weed cotton!

It would seem that the teaching period is over and educators could now enjoy some summer holiday – however, this is not the case in Uzbekistan. Today, in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan, teachers and doctors are bending down to weed cotton.

“In Uzbekistan, it has become commonplace that graduates, people from different professions, are required to clean the streets, clean the cotton fields of weeds, and then pick cotton,” laments our cartoonist Elsevar who had made another caricature for

The official media in Uzbekistan perform their task. They sweet-talk Uzbek citizens, assuring them that they were weeding cotton on a voluntary basis, and that it did not matter what they think about it.

In fact, even a child knows that experts far away from the field of peasantryteachers, doctors, and various other intellectuals are sent to work on the cotton fields in Uzbekistan.

Artist: Elsevar

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