12 july 2016

Karimov on bended knees before terrorists?

Another propaganda film will soon be completed in Uzbekistan. The film called “Sacred dream” is currently being shot under the order of the film company “Uzbekfilm”. Among the heroes of the film are Tahir Yuldash and Juma Namangani, the founders of a terrorist organization called the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The film is being shot under the guidance of Hilol Nasimov, the director of the Uzbeķfilm, who is famous for promoting Uzbekistan’s state policy. The movie is about events which took place at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s.

According to historical documents from these years, Karimov, unlike his competitor for the presidency, at that time concluded a deal with this international terrorist group and kneeled before its leaders.

At a gathering in Eastern Uzbekistan, Namangan and Yuldash nominated Karimov for presidency and Karimov promised that Uzbekistan would be an Islamic state and that he would fulfill his promises to Tahir Yuldash’s group. Archive videos show Karimov holding the Koran and asking for forgiveness from the crowd chanting “Allah Akbar”, promising the he would raise the issue of turning Uzbekistan into an Islamic state in the country’s parliament.

“No problem, we’ll become an Islamic state,” Karimov affirms at the end of his speech.

It is impossible to forecast to what extent these events will be reflected in the new film. Our cartoonist Tuz tried to describe the process in his drawing. It is expected that the film will be shown in cinemas on the eve of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence.


Cartoonist: Tuz


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