4 april 2016

New posters in the Tashkent metro call for vigilance and denunciation

In Uzbekistan, freedom of speech guaranteed by the law has been put on a level with acts of terrorism. This is evidenced by new posters that have been placed in the Tashkent metro. Unlike previous abstract calls for vigilance, in the new texts, passengers are encouraged to concrete denunciations.

The signs above the doors read:

“Dear passengers! We urgently ask you to report to the following hotlines information about people on public transportation, at intermediate and terminal stations and in public places, that speak out against the state policy, conduct activities with a view to preparing terrorist and subversive acts, or leave suspicious things in transport vehicles”.

Provided are the telephone numbers of the Tashkent police, the transport police department of Tashkent and AK Tashgorpasstransa.

By the orders of Prime Minister Mirziyoyev, all advertising in the Tashkent metro had been removed in 2011. Instead appeared campaign posters calling for vigilance. Advertising would distract passengers and prevent them from detecting suspicious behaviour by others. In order to remind the citizens that their safety in many cases is in their hands and urge citizens to be vigilant and cautious, all advertising in the metro had been removed. In 2014, the advertising in parts returned to the metro, but the posters calling for vigilance remained in place.


Artist: Tuz

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