6 january 2016

Throne of president Karimov

ELSEVAR – an artist who loves the people.

Starting from January 5, 2016, a new artist and cartoonist from Uzbekistan is working for Eltuz. The young artist who prefers to work under the pseudonym Elsevar is 34 years old. He lives and works in the creative sector in the city of Bukhara.

The present cartoonist of our website, TUZ, on the request of the editorial team, went to Bukhara to meet with his new counterpart.


Artist TUZ:

“On January 2, I went by car from Namangan to Bukhara. As a joke, I hung up the inscription “Journey of the artist TUZ” on the windshield of the car. This had a positive effect on the traffic police officers. At the sight of my car they raised their striped stick as a welcome sign and gave me green light. One of the policemen who had seen my cartoons on the internet even patted me on the shoulder, saying “not bad.” So, on the second day of the new year, I arrived in Bukhara. It was 10 degrees warm. Minarets were gleaming in bright sunlight. The studio of the artist Elsevar is located in the old town of Bukhara, crowded with tourists. Watercolor sketches and colorful miniatures made by my new colleague were the center of attention of many tourists.”



“The financial side of my life suits me well. But life is not only about earning a living. So I decided to start creating harmless caricatures under the pseudonym Elsevar.”

When asked why he chose the pseudonym “Elsevar”, the artist smiled and said: “This is because my humble work aims at making my people more developed, more kind and honest. In my opinion, without the love of the people, the love of your own culture, it is impossible to love anyone.

“To love the motherland is a charitable thing”. That’s why I’ll be signing my cartoons with the name Elsevar. Caricatures for me are a way of expressing your opinion, with the means of drawing attention to our common problems. A cartoon is created not only to laugh. I want to see Uzbekistan in a number of developed countries in the world and our society as one people. Faults that prevent the formation of the nation are corruption, parochialism, ignorance and spiritual poverty. I will be happy if the Eltuz readers like my jokes “, said the young artist Elsevar.


P.S. Translated from Uzbek, Elsevar means:

„EL“– people or nation

“SEVAR” – to love


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