8 september 2015

Cotton Crimes: forced labour in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry

Dear all

Just to let you all know that have released our new video today. It is a doodle animation explaining forced labour in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry.

Here it is on YouTube:, it is also on our website.

To go with it there is also:
– our statement on the start on the harvest (kind of promoting the video more)
– our colleague Leah’s blog on difficulties with raising the issue to the mainstream debate:
– Klara’s op-ed for the Thomson Reuters Foundation on forced labour in the cotton industry and its links to British business:

We are waiting for another Klara’s op-ed to be published on CNN, I’ll share the link when it’s up.

We are trying to push the video out as much as we can, using all the above content to help, and it would be fantastic if you could share it with your contacts and networks as well, especially by social media.

Also, I think I forgot to mention our anti-slavery blog, I am open to feature guest blogs so if any of you have any ideas, angles etc. then you’re more than welcome to let me know.

Best wishes

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