3 august 2016

Throw dust in the eyes, paint the trees …

Throw dust in the eyes, paint the trees …

On the Independence Day’s eve many photos appeared online showing … colored Christmas trees!

“Tashkent is preparing for the remarkable date in the life of our country, the bright holiday of the Independence Day. Here, Christmas trees have already been painted along the grass”, writes the journalist Farid Sharif, posting photos of painted trees on his Facebook page.”

This is non-trivial event immediately became the subject of a heated debate.
“Hack plane trees – color trees (((, degradation”, comments Elena Savchenko.
“Potemkin village … Illusion”, emphasizes one user named Ikrom.

Some commentators have argued that the practice of painting trees is not new for Uzbekistan and that trees are painted every year on the Independence Day’s eve. This is done to make the overall picture look more fun and to cheer up those people who feel sad for the chopped trees in the parks of Tashkent.

“If the Independence would have been during the winter, trees would have been painted in white”, suggests another user named Fareed.

In general, everyone knows that the appearance of beauty and brilliance is induced by a one single person in the country. The name of this person is known by everyone.
Decent people do not give credit to the tinsel, well, except the horse of Amir Timur.

Artist Ace

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