14 july 2016

Uzbek pop singer Tamila deprived of her singer’s license due to scandalous video

The Uzbek pop singer Tamila was deprived of her singer’s license by the Uzbek government agency Uzbeknavo due to a scandalous video that had appeared in social networks. In the short video, Tamila had shown her butt to her boyfriend. Uzbeknavo is Uzbekistan’s government agency that issues licenses to singers and performers.

Following the loss of her license, Tamila cannot be on TV anymore, cannot give any concerts and is only allowed to sing at the wedding parties.

The head of Uzbeknavo said: “I personally spoke to the singer about her return, but once again am convinced that it is not necessary to do so, and I advised her to see a doctor. She has probably since childhood some abnormalities associated with narcissism, something with her is not right. She does not belong on stage, but to a psychologist”.

In Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to the contents of music videos and songs, as well as the behaviour of local artists. In December last year, a special government document was released about the licensing of Uzbek artists.

(See also:

Artist: Tuz

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